A Diesel Particulate Filter, or DPF for short, is a special filter on the exhaust system of a diesel standby generator. This filter removes particulates from the exhaust of a diesel engine and entraps them so that they do not pollute the air. This pollution control device is a critical component in your emergency backup generator and it is mandated, permitted, and controlled by the local AQMD in California.
There are thirty-five AQMDs, or Air Quality Management Districts, within the state of California and they regulate the air quality management guidelines within their designated area in the state. Each AQMD has their own requirements for air quality so a generator equipped with a DPF in one AQMD may not be mandated in another.
Like most components of a generator, DPFs require preventative maintenance measures to ensure a long operating life. Failure to implement basic operating procedures and maintenance measures may result in the premature failure of your DPF, generator downtime, and cost you tens of thousands of dollars in repair bills!
But, before we get to those important details, we will dive into the specifics of what a DPF is, how it operates, and why it is required. (more…)